
What is meant by microservices?

Microservices refer to a software development approach where an application is structured as a collection of small, independent services.

Each service is focused on a specific business capability and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This approach contrasts with monolithic architectures, where all functionalities are bundled into a single application unit.

What is a Microservice with example?

A microservice is a self-contained module that performs a specific function within a larger application. For instance, consider an e-commerce platform:

  • Product Service: Manages product listings, details, and categories.
  • Order Service: Handles order creation, payment, and tracking.
  • User Service: Manages user profiles, authentication, and account details. In this example, each service operates independently but collaborates with others to provide a cohesive e-commerce experience.

Is a REST API a Microservice?

A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a set of conventions for building web services. While a microservice can use REST as its communication protocol, not all REST APIs are microservices. A microservice is about the architecture and design of the service, whereas REST is a way that services can communicate with each other or with clients.

What are the three types of microservices?

  1. Stateless Microservices: These services don’t retain any client-specific data between requests. Every request is treated as a new interaction, making them scalable and easy to manage.
  2. Stateful Microservices: These services maintain data or state information between requests, allowing for a more personalized user experience but adding complexity in terms of scalability and management.
  3. Aggregator Microservices: These act as a gateway, aggregating responses from multiple services into a single response. They simplify client-side communication by providing a unified access point to various services.
